Monday 1 August 2011

Endo - playing the waiting game

Endo - playing the waiting game

I read with interest this week some findings of a survey conducted by Endometriosis UK on their news page.

The survey found that:

bullet On average it takes over 7.5 years to diagnose endometriosis

bullet Women wait nearly 2 years before visiting their GP about their symptoms

bullet GPs then took on average 4 years to refer the patient to a specialist

bullet It then takes a further 1 year 9 months to get a formal diagnosis

bullet Over 50% of participants waited more than 6 years for a diagnosis

bullet Less than 20% of those who responded received a diagnosis within two years

bullet One third of respondents waited at least 10 years, and 15% waited for over 15 years, to be diagnosed.

One third waited TEN YEARS.

I had 8 years from initial pain to diagnosis and that was incredibly hard. Not knowing what causes pain or what could be causing it meant I had no idea that endo could be a potential condition and therefore no power to insist on further investigations.
This is why I am so adamant about spreading awareness of endometriosis and it's symptoms so that women don't have to suffer so long without a diagnosis and a pain management plan.

So, symptoms:
  • Painful, heavy, or irregular periods
  • Pain during or after sex
  • Infertility
  • Problems on opening bowels
  • Fatigue
These are the main bad boys. I would also add in ovarian pain, white hot shooting and burning pains, exhaustion, and abdomen bloating.

Don't sit for 10 years in silence girls, you know your body and if it feels wrong make sure you get seen.


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