As regular Dexterous Diva readers know, I have dabbled with the raw food lifestyle on and off to deal with the chronic, life changing symptoms of endometriosis.
Over the last few years several key people have influenced my life by planting the raw "seed" - first and foremost the formidable Shazzie, whose own blog documenting her transformation had me transfixed when I found it back in 2008. The way Shazzie's life has rocketed is beyond all belief and she is absolutely someone who I find inspirational. I have the pleasure of meeting her soon, so expect an interview here on Dexterous Diva.
Reading Patrick Holford's Optimal Nutrition books and this guide to healing and nutrition by Endo specialist Dian Shepperson Mills 6 years ago have also formed a firm foundation for me that nutrition is ABOSLUTELY key to a healthy body, and that my poor, sick body needs the best it can.
My lovely friend Claire from Radiance Cleanse, the amazing juice company, is a walking advert for optimal nutrition and her story of health transformation has inspired me incredibly. Suddenly, all around me there are people dabbling in the raw food life, juicing, optimal health and living life full of abundant energy which I can tell you I certainly do not have.
I literally live most days in pain, feeling drained, sore, and limited by my reserves. I am managing to achieve an awful lot in this state (Team Bangs on the Run training, my work, social life and beloved family), but I so far can only dream of what I could achieve if I felt bright, clear-headed and full of beans!
I have had drained batteries since the age of 19 when endo raised its head. I remember clearly thinking how tired I had been feeling, and in all honesty, despite up and down days I have not had my full quota of mojo for all those years.
So, why havent I made the transition completely to raw?
Well, the shift means overcoming a lot of emotional associations with eating, socially, personally, and also financially. It has always been my gripe that eating raw costs a lot of money, that it can be time-consuming to make smoothies and prep when I am part of a family of 4.
Along comes Polly, another of my much revered inspirational figures, and her Raw Food kickstart plan. Polly Noble is amazing. She is a holistic health coach and her blog is beautifully written with amazing recipes, stunning photography and personal insights.
Oh, and Polly also has cancer.
At 28.
She has already beaten the big C once at the age of 24 through nutrition, and she is on that path again now.So this is someone who know about chronic health and optimal nutrition.
Polly is currently running a 7 day kickstart e course on going raw, so today is my first day. My body is feeling tired and run down so it is excellent timing for me. I am coldy, shattered, in pain from endo. Although my diet has been good recently, and I have cut out wheat and dairy, I have let a few old favourites back in like coffee and booze, both of which I know aggravate my symptoms.
This morning I woke up and had forgotten about the programme; I hadn't been shopping for what I need from Polly's lovely ebook and toyed with just not doing it. But, I know how much I want to feel better, and my going through this process with Polly on hand to help will help me face some of my raw demons.
I want to see how it affects my daily life and how practical eating this way is. Of huge importance too is cost. I went shopping this morning and spent £20 on food for 2 days, so it's not cheap - I trust the benefits will keep me going.
I want to learn about real hunger to combat my weight loss in a natural way alongside my running. I want to nurture my body and give it some good stuff to help it on its way.
I will keep you posted, dear readers, on my progress.
In the meantime, this morning's Mango and mint smoothie was really rather nice. I am looking forward to lunch :)
Dexterous Diva xx
Image: the fabulous Polly Noble
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